If you have been online for a time, you probably know about adult search. It is a feature on some dating sites that allow adult listings. This means the dating service caters to those who are after wholesome interactions, and those with friskier tastes.
But the strategy for finding someone to go out with on adult search is rather similar to more conventional dating services. You start out by typing a specific keyword on the search bar. The word you use should represent what you are looking for in a partner. For instance, you can type in your location to find out who among the members live nearby. Nearby means you can meet up without spending too much on plane tickets or gas. You can also input a term that pertains to your interest, like ‘golf’ or ‘striptease’.
Managing the search bar is just a part of a general strategy you can use on adult search. When you start taking a specific approach to this whole online dating thing, it won’t be difficult to find more dates than you can handle. Here are some more tips.
1. Come up with several email messages, and then test them one by one.
The introductory email is the most difficult to write, but it is the most important message you will send to someone on the site. You send this email when you come across a profile that sparks your interest and you want to communicate with that person. Prepare email messages to test and make sure you keep a copy of the first messages you send out. If one message brings in more replies, you can use that as your ‘template’ and tweak it every now and then.
2. Follow-up your pokes or winks with messages.
Most adult search services have a poke or wink feature (just like facebook). While you’re using the adult search feature, you might find someone who is currently online. What you can do is to send a wink then follow it up by an email message to introduce yourself. Some users make the mistake of sending a wink and expecting the other person to reply. Yours is probably not the only wink, hello or poke that the particular user receives while he or she is online, so you have to grab that person’s attention by introducing yourself right after you sent your initial hello.
You can use one or both strategies in order to develop your strategy. Just remember what you did that resulted in the best results so you can do it over and over again on adult search.